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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Only 5 More Days...

then we are off to BTI! Yippee! But I also realize I only have 4 more days to complete the tasks at hand to be ready for BTI. I'm getting close to finishing up...but it seems there is so many other "things" to do...like laundry, grocery shopping, and cleaning house. And my husband has me busy with regional office work. He wants to make sure everything is caught up before we head to Cleveland. Speaking of being gone... I have this thing about going off and leaving my house clean. I think it is something my mother passed down to me. Seriously, I want everything in its place, everything clean, all the laundry done...the whole nine yards of a clean house. Actually I think my house is cleaner when we are gone than when we are home. It doesn't seem to bother me if things get out of place while we are here...I know, it sounds dumb.

Now..for another issue...that is...turning 60 on June 1st. There is just something about that number that sounds "old" to me. I don't feel as old as the number sounds. It's a weird feeling. Oh well, so is life.

I soo enjoyed being with my family tonight for Cha's birthday. That's also another issue...he's now 17! Man, time flies!!

Well..it seems as though I'm only rattling on about nothing. And it also sounds like I have some issues. So on that note...I'm gone!

But wait! I must report that my daughter convinced me to have a pedicure. Ya see, I'm gonna be wearing sandals during the day at BTI. And my daughter, my granddaughter and my sister-in-law said..."If you're gonna wear sandals...and you're gonna go without hose...ya gotta do something about them feet!" Sooo, I went today and had a pedicure. Tam went with me. Actually she was gonna get one too, but they were too busy. She's gonna go back tomorrow. It felt so good...very relaxing. I loved it! I probably won't do it very often...but it was an enjoyable birthday treat. And my feet do look so much better! They definitely feel better! If you've never had one...try it...you'll love it!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


is already here! Unbelievable! One of the MOST IMPORTANT days in May was the birthday celebration of my oldest child...Tammy. It is almost too much for my mind to wrap around that she is 41..yep...41 years old now! I am sooo very proud and thankful for my first born. For many, many reasons...but first and foremost is the fact that she loves the Lord with all her heart. What more could a mother ask for? Because of her devotion to her Lord...she is a good minister, a good child, a good mother, a good wife, a good sister, niece, aunt and grandchild, a good teacher, a good friend...because of Jesus she simply has a good heart. I am blessed to be her mother. "Thank you, Jesus" for my (always will be) baby girl!

BTI starts next Sunday. I'm almost ready to leave...and I repeat...almost. I am sooo looking forward to that two weeks of such an awesome spiritual atmosphere. It's like totally shutting the world out and being in the divine presence of the Lord for two whole weeks!! Can we even begin to imagine what heaven will be like? No worldly attitudes, no stress, no weariness, no sickness or pain, no bills, no death, no heartache or disappointment; nothing but rejoicing around the throne in complete peace and joy..for ALL ETERNITY! Heaven will surely be worth it all!!

We (Brother Campbell and I) are teaching a class entitled "The Christian Marriage" this next Wednesday night. That is one of the many blessings of life...that is to have a Christian marriage. I can't imagine any other wise. I am blessed beyond measure to have a husband who loves the Lord, His work and His Church...and I should remember to tell him more often how much I appreciate his leadership in our home...his patience...his kindness...his help..his love for me. The older I get the more I realize the need, value and importance of letting those you love know how much they mean to you. Life is but a vapor as The Word says...I should take advantage of the time I have been given with my loved ones. After all...it will soon vanish away.

One more IMPORTANT celebration this month is the 17th birthday of Cha...our oldest grandchild. Another unbelievable event. It was only yesterday he was sucking his two fingers while stroking our hair. We are proud of him...he is quickly becoming a fine young man. A man of few words, like his dad...which is one of his many good qualities. He stays out of trouble that way. We pray for him..that God will totally direct his life; give him the right companion, give him divine guidance in his life. Does anything else really matter other than God totally directing your life...and you follow?? We love ALL of your grandchildren the same...yet there is something "extra" special about the 1st one...and in a few days ours will be 17. Not too long ago, Tam and Mo and I were watching old home videos of when Cha was just a baby, a little boy...where did those days go? I have the answer...the memories of every Christmas, holiday, birthday, kindergarten, soccer game, first job, first car, being baptized and joining The Church, having a friend named James, walking on his tip toes, vacations to Disney World and Gatlinburg, being afraid of dogs..for a very good reason.. letting Grandad pull his loose tooth, learning to ride a bicycle, going hunting with Grandad, having his very own budden, budden...and then just being in the same house at times...talking and laughing and eating peanut M&M's...together. All these memories and so many more are locked away in the depths of our heart...only to add more as the years continue to quickly pass us by. And, without a doubt, they too will pass... quickly!

Until next time...

Sunday, May 10, 2009


...since I blogged or was on Facebook. I really thought when I got all the computer issues fixed that I would/could keep it going. NOT SO! I just don't seem to have enough time. My hat is off to all you who are able to manage it...and manage it on a consistent basis.

We are entering an extremely busy time of the year, beginning with a fundraiser for Youth Camp this coming weekend, then teaching a class on the Christian Marriage the end of the month, leaving for BTI a few days after that, then Youth Camp, Regional Convention, being guest minister's at another Regional Convention....and, of course, must prepare for each one. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining... I absolutely LOVE it! I just need to focus on one thing at a time...

Today is Mother's Day and it has been a wonderful Mother's Day weekend. We started celebrating Saturday morning having breakfast together at I Hop...that is me and my husband, and my kiddos and their companions. It was SOOOO fun! We laughed and laughed. Then that afternoon - actually early evening - Jerry and I met his brother and his wife and my mother and father-in-law for dinner. It was a neat place called The Aquarium. They actually have a full scaled aquarium around the restaurant. I had not ever heard of it, but was told it's not a new place. Anyways...it was nice and the food was very good. Then this evening Jerry and I, Les and Rick, Rachel and Rex and Bradley took Momma and Daddy to Logans for dinner to celebrate with Momma. There was no church tonight...Bro. Sutton gave everyone an opportunity to be with family. I am very thankful to still have my mother with me so I was looking forward to celebrating this special day with her. I was glad to be able to be with family this week-end...it was extremely nice!

My husband started remodeling our hall bathroom..let's see...I think it's going on over 2 years now...maybe longer. Actually, he didn't really get started until a couple of months ago. I stripped down the old accessories over 2 years ago..thinking we were gonna get started with the reconstruction. WRONG! It didn't happen that way. But, I'm glad it's getting done now. My husband's schedule is sooooo full that he has to work on it when he can. He does have the new jaccuzi tub in and the tile almost finished....not a whole lot left. Painting, placing the new vanity and commode and I'll have a brand new bathroom! YIPPEE!!! I've learned not to stress over it taking soooooo loooooong. It's not worth it...although all this bathroom stuff is sitting in a corner of my living room. Actually, though, I've learned not to stress over a lot of things. He's doing the best he can. There are other things of more importance that he is seeing to so we will keep using his bathroom until he can finish up...however long it takes. And relaxing in that jaccuzi will be worth the wait.

Well, I know it's been awhile since anything came from my blog world. I can't promise I'll be back real soon...but I'll be back when I can...until then..."The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace."