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Sunday, July 26, 2009


...yep...it's been 2 months today since I blogged last. I'm just not good at keeping it up. No way now to catch up everything that's happened since then...sooo I'll hit the highlights of this past month. The Regional Convention was such a blessing! Thank the Lord, there was one saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost!! Final registration was 256!! The region SHOWERED us with such a wonderful presentation, offering, pounding and gift cards. How do you say "thank-you" ? You can't...but we soooo appreciated all that was done. The saints are very loving and kind and have such a desire to work for the Lord!! An added blessing was having good friends (or should I say ...extended family) from Tennessee who came to support our 1st convention! Thanks to Jeff, Laura, Josh, Andrea, Chelsei, the MGriffs and the Chances...you all made it even more special!! And, of course, all my kids and grands being there...well...let's just say my heart was about to bust!

After convention our entire family headed for vacation! Tooooo much to even try to write!! To summarize...we laughed, and played, and laughed, and slept, and laughed, and ate, and...did I say...laughed! Tam and I were talking...how we wish EVERY family EVERYWHERE was blessed with the closeness (and laughter) we have been blessed with. We LOVE being together...sharing and talking and LAUGHING! It's a Campbell/Fox family trait! In today's disfunctional society, it's unheard of. But, because of HIS mercy and grace...

Now it's time to get back to work. It starts with praying down God's direction and will for the responsibilities assigend to me personally for this next year. I CAN NOT do it without HIS help...but He is faithful to lead, guide and direct. Speak Lord...your servant listens intently for your voice.

Well...better go and unpack. See ya later...even though it might be in 2 more months!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Only 5 More Days...

then we are off to BTI! Yippee! But I also realize I only have 4 more days to complete the tasks at hand to be ready for BTI. I'm getting close to finishing up...but it seems there is so many other "things" to do...like laundry, grocery shopping, and cleaning house. And my husband has me busy with regional office work. He wants to make sure everything is caught up before we head to Cleveland. Speaking of being gone... I have this thing about going off and leaving my house clean. I think it is something my mother passed down to me. Seriously, I want everything in its place, everything clean, all the laundry done...the whole nine yards of a clean house. Actually I think my house is cleaner when we are gone than when we are home. It doesn't seem to bother me if things get out of place while we are here...I know, it sounds dumb.

Now..for another issue...that is...turning 60 on June 1st. There is just something about that number that sounds "old" to me. I don't feel as old as the number sounds. It's a weird feeling. Oh well, so is life.

I soo enjoyed being with my family tonight for Cha's birthday. That's also another issue...he's now 17! Man, time flies!!

Well..it seems as though I'm only rattling on about nothing. And it also sounds like I have some issues. So on that note...I'm gone!

But wait! I must report that my daughter convinced me to have a pedicure. Ya see, I'm gonna be wearing sandals during the day at BTI. And my daughter, my granddaughter and my sister-in-law said..."If you're gonna wear sandals...and you're gonna go without hose...ya gotta do something about them feet!" Sooo, I went today and had a pedicure. Tam went with me. Actually she was gonna get one too, but they were too busy. She's gonna go back tomorrow. It felt so good...very relaxing. I loved it! I probably won't do it very often...but it was an enjoyable birthday treat. And my feet do look so much better! They definitely feel better! If you've never had one...try it...you'll love it!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


is already here! Unbelievable! One of the MOST IMPORTANT days in May was the birthday celebration of my oldest child...Tammy. It is almost too much for my mind to wrap around that she is 41..yep...41 years old now! I am sooo very proud and thankful for my first born. For many, many reasons...but first and foremost is the fact that she loves the Lord with all her heart. What more could a mother ask for? Because of her devotion to her Lord...she is a good minister, a good child, a good mother, a good wife, a good sister, niece, aunt and grandchild, a good teacher, a good friend...because of Jesus she simply has a good heart. I am blessed to be her mother. "Thank you, Jesus" for my (always will be) baby girl!

BTI starts next Sunday. I'm almost ready to leave...and I repeat...almost. I am sooo looking forward to that two weeks of such an awesome spiritual atmosphere. It's like totally shutting the world out and being in the divine presence of the Lord for two whole weeks!! Can we even begin to imagine what heaven will be like? No worldly attitudes, no stress, no weariness, no sickness or pain, no bills, no death, no heartache or disappointment; nothing but rejoicing around the throne in complete peace and joy..for ALL ETERNITY! Heaven will surely be worth it all!!

We (Brother Campbell and I) are teaching a class entitled "The Christian Marriage" this next Wednesday night. That is one of the many blessings of life...that is to have a Christian marriage. I can't imagine any other wise. I am blessed beyond measure to have a husband who loves the Lord, His work and His Church...and I should remember to tell him more often how much I appreciate his leadership in our home...his patience...his kindness...his help..his love for me. The older I get the more I realize the need, value and importance of letting those you love know how much they mean to you. Life is but a vapor as The Word says...I should take advantage of the time I have been given with my loved ones. After all...it will soon vanish away.

One more IMPORTANT celebration this month is the 17th birthday of Cha...our oldest grandchild. Another unbelievable event. It was only yesterday he was sucking his two fingers while stroking our hair. We are proud of him...he is quickly becoming a fine young man. A man of few words, like his dad...which is one of his many good qualities. He stays out of trouble that way. We pray for him..that God will totally direct his life; give him the right companion, give him divine guidance in his life. Does anything else really matter other than God totally directing your life...and you follow?? We love ALL of your grandchildren the same...yet there is something "extra" special about the 1st one...and in a few days ours will be 17. Not too long ago, Tam and Mo and I were watching old home videos of when Cha was just a baby, a little boy...where did those days go? I have the answer...the memories of every Christmas, holiday, birthday, kindergarten, soccer game, first job, first car, being baptized and joining The Church, having a friend named James, walking on his tip toes, vacations to Disney World and Gatlinburg, being afraid of dogs..for a very good reason.. letting Grandad pull his loose tooth, learning to ride a bicycle, going hunting with Grandad, having his very own budden, budden...and then just being in the same house at times...talking and laughing and eating peanut M&M's...together. All these memories and so many more are locked away in the depths of our heart...only to add more as the years continue to quickly pass us by. And, without a doubt, they too will pass... quickly!

Until next time...

Sunday, May 10, 2009


...since I blogged or was on Facebook. I really thought when I got all the computer issues fixed that I would/could keep it going. NOT SO! I just don't seem to have enough time. My hat is off to all you who are able to manage it...and manage it on a consistent basis.

We are entering an extremely busy time of the year, beginning with a fundraiser for Youth Camp this coming weekend, then teaching a class on the Christian Marriage the end of the month, leaving for BTI a few days after that, then Youth Camp, Regional Convention, being guest minister's at another Regional Convention....and, of course, must prepare for each one. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining... I absolutely LOVE it! I just need to focus on one thing at a time...

Today is Mother's Day and it has been a wonderful Mother's Day weekend. We started celebrating Saturday morning having breakfast together at I Hop...that is me and my husband, and my kiddos and their companions. It was SOOOO fun! We laughed and laughed. Then that afternoon - actually early evening - Jerry and I met his brother and his wife and my mother and father-in-law for dinner. It was a neat place called The Aquarium. They actually have a full scaled aquarium around the restaurant. I had not ever heard of it, but was told it's not a new place. Anyways...it was nice and the food was very good. Then this evening Jerry and I, Les and Rick, Rachel and Rex and Bradley took Momma and Daddy to Logans for dinner to celebrate with Momma. There was no church tonight...Bro. Sutton gave everyone an opportunity to be with family. I am very thankful to still have my mother with me so I was looking forward to celebrating this special day with her. I was glad to be able to be with family this week-end...it was extremely nice!

My husband started remodeling our hall bathroom..let's see...I think it's going on over 2 years now...maybe longer. Actually, he didn't really get started until a couple of months ago. I stripped down the old accessories over 2 years ago..thinking we were gonna get started with the reconstruction. WRONG! It didn't happen that way. But, I'm glad it's getting done now. My husband's schedule is sooooo full that he has to work on it when he can. He does have the new jaccuzi tub in and the tile almost finished....not a whole lot left. Painting, placing the new vanity and commode and I'll have a brand new bathroom! YIPPEE!!! I've learned not to stress over it taking soooooo loooooong. It's not worth it...although all this bathroom stuff is sitting in a corner of my living room. Actually, though, I've learned not to stress over a lot of things. He's doing the best he can. There are other things of more importance that he is seeing to so we will keep using his bathroom until he can finish up...however long it takes. And relaxing in that jaccuzi will be worth the wait.

Well, I know it's been awhile since anything came from my blog world. I can't promise I'll be back real soon...but I'll be back when I can...until then..."The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace."

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

9 LBS, 9.5 OZ....

...that's what he weighed after arriving into our world on April 22, 1970. 39 years ago today, as of 6:15 this morning, my son was born. I sooo wanted him to have his daddy's eyes that the first question I asked was..."what color is his eyes?" My husband answered..."dark brown!" Then I went to sleep for hours...my baby was healthy...and had brown eyes...and nothing could be better! Now today, I wonder...where have the past 39 years gone???

There's, no doubt, other things I could add to this blog. But, I just want all the attention to be given to Tommy...this is his day.."HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SON...I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!"

Monday, April 20, 2009


Most of the time people, in general, DO NOT look forward to Mondays. It's the beginning of the work week, and they are leaving behind the fun and/or relaxation of the week-end past. There's a stereo-typed mind-set of having "Monday morning BLUES". True, it's literally cloudy outside today...overcast and slightly chilly. BUT...my Monday morning is YELLOW! Why yellow? When I think of the color yellow I think of brightness and cheerfulness....the SON is shining! And that's how I feel today! How could I feel any less after such a wonderful week-end. I've already posted about Friday night and Saturday...now recapping Sunday. The sweetness and nearness of the Holy Ghost in yesterday morning's service at Antioch was like a gentle refreshing of joy and comfort and reassurance. A youth group sang the song "Just Because" and it was obviously ordained of God because it ushered in the very presence of the Holy Ghost! How could you not leave that service filled and over-flowing! Then it was off to the Red Robin...mainly with all the youth! They are sooo hilariously funny! Bro. Sutton's message in the evening service was very good...quite thought provoking in that the focus was on being "real". His preaching is such a blessing. And I must not forget to mention...Bro. and Sis. Sutton sang together. It was the first time I had ever heard them...they are good!

Now to bring everyone up-to-date on Bro. Campbell's Florida mission. Those at Antioch heard last night from Bro. Hall's (my husband had told him he would call and let him now how everything turned out) testimony that there were a total of 12 who joined the newly organized church, there were about 60-70 at the ocean-side, early morning baptisimal, and there is another independant pastor who was present who is asking questions about the church!!! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!! My husband reports there is an over-whelming possibility of our newest church in the Region growing by leaps and bounds in the very near future!!! Thanks, everyone who prayed!!!!

Now..what's on the to-do list for today? Among many tasks that I'm sure I will not get to... (being real here...inside joke) I need to take my dad to the doctor, need to mail camp apps to the pastors for the camp committee, need to draft a fund-raiser letterhead letter for every local church in the Region to go to their nearest Walmart for donations for camp, need to go grocery shopping, need to do laundry......hhhmmm...it'll be interesting to see at the end of the day just how much from this "need-to" list gets done! Anybody else gotta list like that???

That kinda sums up the week-end. There were other side happenings that I enjoyed..like Lady and I spending the night with Tam a couple of nights...laughing with Morgan over a few private observances...and spending a little time with Erika, Lance, Kailee and Maddie. Soo...till next time...hope everyone has a great...YELLOW day!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


I have been wanting to start blogging again...especially after reading the comments from my last blog and 5 of you out there in blogland said "blog" (actually Sister Vicki sang me a blogging song!) . Here's why I haven't...I had major problems resetting a new password. Actually, Morgan fixed it once on her computer but when I got home...no such luck! It's really not worth taking your time to explain all that was wrong...bottom line is that it's done...so I'm back!

Many days (both good and bad), thoughts, travels, events, get-togethers...all within the church and the family...have flowed (sometimes boistoriously rolled) under the bridge sense the last blog. Let's see now...for a quick recap...we have had wonderful District Conventions and an awesome Youth Convention in the Region. The youth from TN that joined us made it even more fun and special! The precious saints in the Region seem to be sharing an anticipation...an excitement for what the Lord has in store. Hang-on everybody...although we must weather some storms...the SON is shining through the clouds. There is truly victory on top of victory for The Church of God. The key is to stay "Church of God." The good...the true...the real will triumph. How do I know? 'Cause the Bible tells me so!!! It's in the very air we breath...time is winding up...the enemy is on the warpath because he also knows that this thing is wrapping up and wrapping up quickly. More than ever before I want everything I do, I say...every thought and action to be pleasing in His sight! I want to make heaven...nothing, absolutely nothing is more important!

As I type this, I am glad I was just interrupted by my husband's telephone call. He is in Homestead, Florida and just organized a new church with 5 members. Brother Oscar Pimentel and Brother Abraham Ramos traveled with him to have a series of services/classes for an independent Spanish group. This was the first day and more services are scheduled. My husband reported that the power of God moved through the first service in a mighty, mighty way and he feels like God is not finished yet. Praise the Lord..."His sheep hear His voice." Please help us pray that more of God's sheep there will follow the voice of the Lord and come into the fold! I usually always travel with my husband, but because there were two other brothers on the trip, it was more economical for me to stay at home this time. We would have had to get two motel rooms if I were along. Staying back wasn't bad...I got to be at Vic's 50th birthday party last night and today I was able to be in the TN Ladies Day at Zion Hill. My sister-in-law, Leslei, is the director and because I was able..I supported her. I am proud of my family and their desire to be working for the Lord in His Church and I want to support when I can. I really enjoyed the day...Sis. Jackie Zimmerman was the guest minister and her ministry is always a blessing to me. AND it was so good to be in fellowship with some of the ladies from that side of the state. By the time we got home...I was sooooo tired. The spirit was willing..now the flesh is more than weak!

And now for a run-down of family time...since the last blog. My dear husband turned 60. The number sounds old, or maybe just older. I'll join the ranks of the 60's club in a few short months myself. But I'm gonna enjoy everyday the Lord gives me as though I were ...hmmm...shall I be realistic here???....as though I were 40. Well, maybe 50! April is quiet full of family celebrations. Our youngest grandson turned 3...my brother, 52...our son will be 39 the 22nd...and my parents will be married 61 years the 23rd. Shewww...good thing we only buy gifts for the grandkids...we would be broke this month!! Also on April 2nd, we reflected on the one thing that changed our lives drastically...especially Brad's...it was the 3rd anniversary of his accident. Sadness tries to overshadow us at times, but with the help of the Lord we focus on the miracle in the making. We are trusting in the divine power of our Almighty God for a complete healing in Bradley. WE SHALL PRAY ON!!! In between the family gatherings, there were telephone calls, texts, e-mails and Facebook comments to one another. And, oh, yeah, we have our family vacation house reserved! Move over Mickey and Minnie...we're all on our way right after Regional Convention!! As I am sure is true with and for everyone...family is one of the most treasured, precious gifts from God. When I hear of families that are torn apart and hardly ever see each other or talk to one another it breaks my heart for them...for truly I am blessed with a wonderful, wonderful family! Thank you Lord, for your blessings on me!

This will be a very busy spring and summer. Looking ahead there are visits to the Region for homecomings and services and rallies, Youth Camp, and Regional Convention plus BTI is on the horizon. I so love being in all the church events...nuttin like getten together with God's wonderful people!

Okay...am I caught up? I'm gonna try to keep this blogging thing up..now that I've got the password issue resolved. So, until next time...hope everyone has a wonderful service tomorrow.

Friday, February 13, 2009


A GREAT DAY...productive and enjoyable! My husband depends on me totally for the office work that has to be done for the Region. I was able to "complete" several projects today...wahoo! I enjoy this type work so it wasn't a drudgery at all! After my work was finished I met Carol...my friend whose mother passed away last week...for lunch. She has been staying with her dad to help him get the necessary things done after something like this happens. Sooo, I thought she might need to get out of the house for a while. We had a good time over an O'Charley's grilled chicken salad..I think Carol got the fried chicken salad. She was able to talk about lots of things...which I believe was helpful for her. We actually sat at the restaurant for 2 1/2 hours. I don't think the server minded that we were there that long...they weren't busy at all. After lunch I ran a few errands and then went to hang out with Brad. Tam and Rick were there also. We had a good visit. We actually pulled up Brad's My Space and Tam read some comments that some of his closest friends have left him since his accident. He smiled as she read them to him. "Thanks" doesn't seem to be enough to those who have "talked" to him through My Space. Even though he isn't able to respond...we know he enjoys and likes hearing from his ole buds! Brad understands (very well) everything that is said; therefore, when he gets to see or hear from his friends...it means a lot to him.

I have a busy week-end ahead. Taking a short trip tomorrow then my husband starts a revival in Portland on Sunday. I think it's supposed to go through Wed. or Thurs. night...please help us pray for a move of the Holy Ghost! Sooo, I might not get to blog until (maybe) Monday. If I don't...everyone have a blessed week-end and HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Whatcha Think?

For those who are on Facebook, I'm sure you have noticed that my husband and I and Lady (our little dog) are "trying" to walk to help with our over-all health...like loose some weight!!! I believe if we can do it at least 5 days a week...skipping week-ends...it will benefit us. It's not easy for me...never have been an exercise person. BUT...if it helps...I believe I should try to be consistent. You see...it's like this. I am border-line diabetic. My blood sugar level went over 200 last year. The Dr. gave me an opportunity to get it down by loosing some weight and staying away from sugar and carbs. I did it...that is lost weight and brought it down. My A1C - the test that is done to determine whether or not you need to go on meds - went from 9.8 to 6.9. As long as it stays below 7...no meds! I haven't been back to the Dr., but just know it's back up due to poor eating habits and no exercise. Well...I don't want to go on meds soooo it's up to me to get back to good eating habits and exercise. I can pray all day long and ask God to heal me...BUT...if I do not do my part and take care of my body why should I ask God to heal me. It's kinda like this to me...if you have a problem or temptation in any area...STAY AWAY FROM IT! Why would you subject yourself to an area which is a weakness...and then keep asking the Lord to help you with it!!! Now..temptations come anyway...but we should never deliberately put ourselves in a position to be tempted! Same thing with this diabetes thing...can't ask God to heal me if I choose to gorge myself with foods that's gonna bring my sugar up. And if exercising, like walking, helps my over-all health...it's a given...that's what I should do! Let me know what you think!!

Gotta go now...gotta go walk!!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Spring Is In The Air!!!

Good morning everybody! We did it!! Bro. Campbell and I walked 2 miles...for the second day in a row! Thanks for the encouragement via Facebook!!! It really felt good...the air was just a tad brisk...the wind gently blowing. Lady...our little dog seems to really enjoy it too. Sure hope we can keep this up! I really want to get Vic - another "special friend" to do it too. Yep..me and Vic go back a looooong way too. We have laughed, cried and talked and prayed through many situations. I have many special friends in the church...there are those like Vic whose bond goes deep because of our experiences and time together. She is another one of those who is like a sister!! My blood sister and I have never really been all that close...I'm sure it's because we have chosen different paths in life. I love her...but those "special" sister relationships remain with those whose life is the Lord and His work...like Vic.

I am soo excited about some of the youth from Tennessee coming to support the Youth Convention in our Region in April. I appreciate the support of the TN VLB Coordinators who feel as I do that there should not be any boundaries between states and regions in the church. We are all one! And I hope to encourage some of the Region's youth to support TN's Youth Convention. The more our youth as a whole can come together, the more encouraging it is!!!

The day goes by so quickly!! I have much to do. My husband and I have quite a bit of office work to do for the Region..I need to go to the shop to work awhile...we are running low on groceries...there is laundry to do...etc., etc., etc. I hope everyone has a blessed, wonderful day! "This is the day that the Lord hath made"...let's all rejoice and be glad in it!

BTW...We went to Bradley's yesterday and read him the Assembly minutes from last year's VLB program. It made him very happy...he smiled from ear to ear. Everybody..no matter what the circumstances or the age or anything...wants to feel loved..and I know Brad does from all his friends in the church! Thanks for being there for him!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Catching Up...

We arrived safely back home last night from an awesome District Convention in South Georgia. The power and presence of the Lord during the convention was so encouraging and blessed everyone! The services, the meal, the fellowship was all great!! We were also blessed to stay in the home of Sis. Sarah White. Her hospitality was over-the-top! She insisted on cooking huge meals and she even got up early one morning (without me knowing it) to go to the store to get some half-and-half for my coffee. What a gracious hostess! She is such a blessing...a kind, gentle spirit. Friday night she and I stayed up late to work on a children's church project for the convention. I don't know how many "hearts" we traced and cut out...but we laughed, exchanged stories and simply enjoyed the fellowship.

On Sunday morning my husband was scheduled to preach at Cedar Crossings...another great service! After church, the Kramers, the pastor's family took us out to eat. It was Sis. Kramer's birthday. More wonderful fellowship! There is nothing like the family of God!!! We usually schedule a visit at one of the churches for Sunday night. But we needed to get back earlier to be able to be at Sis. Louverne's funeral on Monday. She is one of my dearest friends' mother...Carol Frizzell. Carol and I have always had a special bond. She is more like a sister to me. We go back many, many years. And although we are unable to be together a lot, it's always as though we are together daily. We have talked, laughed and cried together over many, many circumstances over the years. I love her dearly! Years and years ago, before Daniel and Stephanie were born...when we were MUCH younger...we were able to hang out a lot. They would come by in the evenings several times during the week...we did almost everything together. I guess those times built the relationship we have now...we don't HAVE to be together to have that special bond. Anyway...I am sooo glad I will be able to be with her on the day her mother is buried. I want to share her hurt...she has carried a many for me. "Special friends"...like Carol and I...are "special" gifts from the Lord...Thank You Lord for my "special" friend.

After the funeral I plan to go and visit with Bradley. I haven't been able to go as frequently here lately...so I wanna spend some time with him. He loves company! I am going with a purpose. He loves to hear about his friends in the church and what's going on. I will say to him.."Bradley, do you want me to stop talking awhile?" He ALWAYS says no...he wants to hear all he can. Anyway...my husband got last year's General Assembly minutes this past week-end. While I was glancing through it...I saw something that I knew would bless Bradley. It was recorded this way, during the VLB program. 7:33 p.m., Sat. evening - "Comments by Sister Griffin: Sister Griffin greeted Brad Moore via Internet and the congregation stood and shouted, "We love you, Brad!" Brad was in a tragic accident two years ago and has come back from the brink of death. He's made amazing progress and the doctors say he understands 100% of what he hears. The congregation stood as Brother Rob Hawkins led the congregation in a special prayer for Brad." I can hardly wait to read this to him...I can see his infamous smile now...

Well...this kinda catches me up...so I'm gonna sign off here...Have a blessed, wonderful day in the Lord!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Much To Do

I woke up this morning freezing! Our central heat and air is just not doing the job! And the bad thing is...it's supposed to be a new unit? Well...somewhat new...about a year and half old. Also, our hot water is frozen! Oh well, I don't want to complain cause there are some in the north without electricity and water all together. I am blessed to have a warm fireplace and cold water. Thank you Lord!

Isn't it sad that we only get to see some friends from over the years at funerals? I was able to talk to a number of these friends yesterday. It was good to see them and "catch-up" a little.

Tommy needs me to come into the shop for a few hours today to do some paperwork. I have not gone in at all this week because of the funeral. I'll go over for a short while and catch everything up and then I MUST get things done to leave in the morning for South Georgia. Momma and daddy are going with us as far as Atlanta. Her brother lives there...so we're gonna take them to stay and visit while we go further south. Then we'll pick them up on the way back through. I like to see them be able to do these type things...while they can. Momma will be 87 in June and daddy's 83. I am sooo thankful to still have them...and they get around quite well for their age. Especially my momma. I hope to follow in her footsteps...in more ways than one.

I hope everyone has a wonderful...blessed week-end. I'll be posting all that happens for us as soon as I can.

God bless ya...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I posted on my first blog that I would try to be attentive...so here goes day number two!

When a loved one or friend leaves this life doesn't it bring to mind the reality of just how frail, fragile, and quick this life is? I believe the scripture says its but a vapor. How true! Of course, Sis. White's death has brought this to mind to all of us (or at least some of us) who knew her. As well, my mind reflects on the fun times my husband and I had with her and Bro. White. I knew "of" Bro. and Sis. White back in the COGOP. But when they renewed their covenant at Antioch a new friendship began to blossom. After they moved back to Cleveland we always stayed with them while teaching in BTI and during conventions. Every night we would say "we CAN"T stay up so late tonight...but guess what..we did..snacking on crackers and cheese! The back bedroom...straight down the hall..on Key Street was "ours." We visited back and forth, took trips together to Texas to see Tim and Ondra...talked way into the night (who woulda thought it of Bro. Campbell or Bro. White..Hehe). I remember one time they were visiting during Easter and we went to Tam's to fill goody bags for the kids at church. Sister White was right in there to help...as she always was. For several Easter's, Tim and Ondra would come up from Texas and stay at Tam's. And Bro. White and Jewel stayed with us (when they lived out of town). We would grill out at the house or at the park and have an Easter egg hunt for the kids. I remember one year it was cold and raining so we hid the eggs in the house. (Fun times!) After Bro. White's health began to fail, whenever we were together we would all take walks and talk...the Dr. wanted him to walk. We walked around the neighborhood and one time even at the mall. I think there was more talking than walking done. We are gonna miss them so much. There is a song that says, "I Can Only Imagine"...and truly that's how I feel...I can only imagine the joy and happiness they are experiencing! (Thanks for letting me walk down memory lane a little and reflect back on two good friends.)

After the funeral we will be preparing for the trip to South Georgia. Another Sis. White...Sis. Sarah White...precious lady...has invited us to stay with her in her home while we are there. Isn't it wonderful to have awesome church family that opens up their heart and home to you! I love it!!! Nothing like The Church of God Family!!!!

As many of you know, Morgan and Tam have gotten me started on blogging and on Facebook. I must say I am enjoying hearing from friends from a distance away. Thanks Tam and Mo...I see what you mean..and yes...you told me so!

Better run...have a few things to do before going to the funeral home.

Have a blessed, and wonderful day!

Monday, February 2, 2009

She's Back...

Tam and Morgan have sorta been after me for awhile to begin posting...again. Sooo...I'm back! (Facebook too...but we'll see.) I have always enjoyed the positive aspect of blogging...receiving good, encouraging news and staying abreast with what's going on in your life. I can't say that I will post daily so that you can know what's going on with the "Campbell Clan"...but I will try to be somewhat attentive.
Let's see...where do I begin..since my last blog? I believe I would like to share some of the valuable lessons I have learned since you heard from my corner of the world last...I mean REALLY learned. My prayer is that this will help someone as we pass through this temporal life to the eternal:
  • Love covers a multitude... of hurts and disappointments from people, life and circumstances. In all of these we have a choice. Hurts and disappointments can make you one of two things. Bitter or better! And there is only one little letter that makes the difference in these two words... "i". If we choose to be consumed with how "I" am being affected it is so easy to become bitter. I choose to be better from it all..rather than bitter.
  • My pastor in my earlier "learning and growing" years always had a profound saying..."God holds the record." The words were so true, yet experiences in life help you learn the validaty of them. We all want people to be pleased and happy with us. But pleasing God and having HIM happy with us is what matters. You can never please everyone...but you can please the one who holds the record of motives, intents and thoughts of the heart.
  • Never take for granted the time given with the ones you love. Life is too short to sweat the small (and sometimes the big) things. No matter how disappointed, no matter how frustrated circumstances may make us...it really doesn't matter. There are actually two points here...what really matters is realizing that you may not have that loved one with you "tomorrow" and nothing matters but being pleasing in the sight of our Lord!
  • Realize the joy and blessing in the simple things of life...

There is more I could perhaps write here, but instead I want to take the space to praise my Lord for the lessons...hard, heart-wrenching lessons. I want to thank and praise Him for His amazing grace and mercy. And, I want to sing...More than ever before, Lord, I love you. More than ever before, Lord, I need you. And I will try to live me life, so that it says it too...Lord, I love you, more than ever before!

Moving on...I really enjoyed being able to be at the Super Bowl Saturday this weekend and seeing a lot of Tennessee saints. As well, I enjoyed sitting on the same pew with my family at Antioch Sunday. Some of us sat on the same pew...others sat around us...but all of us were there..except Rick who had a commitment he had to see to. Next weekend we will be back in the region for the South Georgia District Convention. I just know God is gonna bless...He is so Faithful! My husband and I working together for the Lord is my very breath and heartbeat. Along with family, isn't that what matters?

A dear friend, Sis. Jewel White, went to be with Jesus and the love of her life, Bro. White this weekend. I will miss her, but I am sooo happy for her. My husband said it best..."her heart went with Bro. White when he left this life...her body just now caught up to that departure." Her life was devoted to her husband and their work together in the ministry. Never more will they be parted...congratulations, Jewel!

I guess I'll sign off here with this "first time back" blog. It feels good to be back on the blogging scene...hope to hear from "you"!